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How to write mockito junit for Resttemplate postForObject method

I am trying to post list of messages to the rest api. How to write mockito junit for the method postJSONData below:

public class PostDataService{

    RestTemplate restTemplate;

    private Environment env;

    private HttpEntity<String> httpEntity;

    private HttpHeaders httpHeaders;

    private String resourceURL = null;

    public PostDataService(){
    httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    httpHeaders.set("Content-Type", "application/json");

    public void postJSONData(List<String> data){
    resourceURL = env.getProperty("baseURL") + env.getProperty("resourcePath");
    httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(data.toString(), httpHeaders);
    String response = restTemplate.postForObject(resourceURL, httpEntity, String.class);
    catch (RestClientException e) {
  "ErrorMessage::" + e.getMessage());
  "ErrorCause::" + e.getCause());


Please help me how to write.


  • You can use Mockito to:

    • Create an instance of postData with mocked RestTemplate and Environment
    • Set expectations on these which allow the ``postJSONData` call to complete
    • Verify that the mocked RestTemplate is invoked correctly

    The postJSONData method does not use the restTemplate.postForObject() response so the best you can do in terms of testing this method is to verify that restTemplate.postForObject() is invoked with the correct parameters.

    Here's an example:

    public class PostDataTest {
        private RestTemplate restTemplate;
        private Environment env;
        private PostData postData;
        public void test_postJSONData() {
            String baseUrl = "theBaseUrl";
            String resourcePath = "aResourcePath";
            List<String> payload = new ArrayList<>();
            // it's unclear from your posted code what goes into the HttpEntity so
            // this approach is lenient about its expectation
                    Mockito.eq(baseUrl + resourcePath),
            // assuming that the HttpEntity is constructed from the payload passed 
            // into postJSONData then this approach is more specific
            HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
                    Mockito.eq(baseUrl + resourcePath),
                    Mockito.eq(new HttpEntity<>(payload.toString(), headers)),

    On a side note; postData is an unusual name for a class and the postJSONData method provided in your OP doesn't compile; it references meterReadings rather than data.