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How to move an object along with touch drag/swipe by finger-LibGdx

I want to implement a touch control for an object.When I swipe continuously, without taking the finger from screen,object also has to move along that way.

1.if single touch,object should not move.

2.if swipes/drags a little,object has to move little in that direction.if swipes/drags more,object should move more.

I found this game in play store with the same type of control I want to implement.

I implemented basic swipe control like this.

fling() in my inputprocessor class is like this ;

 public boolean fling(float velocityX, float velocityY, int button) {
    if (Math.abs(velocityX) > Math.abs(velocityY)) {
        if (velocityX > 8) {
            this.isSwipeRight = true;
        } else  if (velocityX < 0) {
            this.isSwipeLeft = true;
    return false;

and handling swipe in update() like this:

    private void handleSwipe() {
    if (MyInputProcessor.isSwipeLeft) {
        System.out.println("u swiped left");
        MyInputProcessor.isSwipeLeft = false;
    } else if (MyInputProcessor.isSwipeRight) {
        System.out.println("u swiped right");
        MyInputProcessor.isSwipeRight = false;

and method to move the object:

private float xSpeed=0;
private float leftAccel = 5f;
private float rightAccel = 5f;

public void moveLeft() {
    xSpeed-= leftAccel;
    setPosition(getX()+xSpeed, getY());

public void moveRight() {
    xSpeed= rightAccel;
    setPosition(getX()+xSpeed, getY());


But I am not able to make it work.Only basic swipe is working.Wondering how can I make that smoothness while finger swipe on screen.

Is touchDragged() is the better option for this?


  • Swing is for quick short moves. For longer continuous finger move you should us pan method: