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How to call core method from android backend?

I can use android methods from GDX (Platform specific code), but is it possible to get libgdx method from android back-end? I have firebase database. On android side of my game I catch any changes in database. And I need to transfer that changes to my core back-end (For example update some actors, labels, and so on). What's the best way to do that?


  • Accessing Platform Specific API inside core module can be possible using Interfacing.

    core-module is common part of all platform so you can access anywhere in your project.

    Keep reference of ApplicationListener, If you want to call any method/access data member of your core module.

    Inside android module :

    public class AndroidLauncher extends AndroidApplication {
        MyGdxGame gdxGame;
        protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            AndroidApplicationConfiguration config = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
            gdxGame=new MyGdxGame();
            initialize(gdxGame, config);
         public void andoridMethod(){
             System.out.println(gdxGame.x);      //access data member
             gdxGame.doSomething();              //access method

    Inside core module :

    public class MyGdxGame implements ApplicationListener {
          public int x=4;
          public void doSomething(){}
          // Life cycle methods of ApplicationListener