This issue is occurred in Excel, but this issue became explicit during Aspose update.
Rendering an excel,
Set the A0 IsWrapText to true.
Put value at A0 with value "Hello\nWorld", then merge with A1.
The output of the excel didn't cater the wrapText correctly as it is a merged cell.
P.S. the old version (4.4 or something lower) actually has no this issue, as the AutoFitHeight is not executed by default, thus no change to cell height and the cell height can be growth with the content [catered the \n])
Is there anyway wrapText can be rendered correctly even in a merged cell?
Yes, in newer versions of Aspose.Cells, you may try to add the following lines of code (after applying style/formatting to the merged cell) to auto-adjust row(s) height for merged cells accordingly: e.g Sample code:
AutoFitterOptions options = new AutoFitterOptions();
options.AutoFitMergedCells = true;
Hope, this helps a bit.
I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.