I want to have some general purpose tools for dealing with trees. I'm using JavaScript, so there's little I can impose, and I'm using existing data structures that I can't change. I managed to define the following:
reduceTree :: (T a -> [T a]) -> (b -> T a -> b) -> b -> T a -> b
reduceTree(getChildren, f, accumulator, tree)
(I'm using Haskell type signatures because they're easier to read)
This getChildren
function is required because my tree is arbitrary, and I know nothing about how it is constructed.
works well. But I would like to have a mapTree
function too, preferably reusing my reduceTree
function, but I'm stuck. Something is amiss but I can't figure out what.
My reduceTree
export function reduceTree(getChildren, f, accumulator, tree) {
const children = getChildren(tree);
if (!children || children.length === 0) {
return f(accumulator, tree)
} else {
const childrenResult = children.reduce(
(accumulator, subTree) => reduceTree(getChildren, f, accumulator, subTree),
return f(childrenResult, tree)
It was tested and works.
(My pseudo Haskell implementation I used to construct/prove the javascript above:
reduceTree f a (Node val []) = f a val
reduceTree f a (Node val xs) = f (fold (reduceTree f) acc) val
I see that your tree data structure is defined as follows:
data T a = Node a [T a]
If that's the case then the fold for your tree data structure would be:
reduceTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> T a -> b
reduceTree f = let g (Node a xs) = f a (map g xs) in g
You can now define mapTree
using reduceTree
as follows:
mapTree :: (a -> b) -> T a -> T b
mapTree f = reduceTree (Node . f)
Converting it all to JavaScript:
const Node = (a, xs) => ({a, xs});
const reduceTree = (f, node) => {
const g = node => f(node.a, node.xs.map(g));
return g(node);
const mapTree = (f, node) => reduceTree((a, xs) => Node(f(a), xs), node);
const tree = Node(2, [ Node(3, [ Node(11, [])
, Node(13, []) ])
, Node(5, [])
, Node(7, [ Node(17, [])
, Node(19, []) ]) ]);
console.log(mapTree(x => 2 * x, tree));
Hope that helps.