Search code examples

How to use a field for determining index in Logstash without saving it?

I am using logstash for the first time and can't figure out how to determine index on a parsed field without persisting it.

This is my configuration file:

input {
  http {
    port => 31311

filter {
  json {
    source => "message"

  mutate {
    remove_field => [ "headers", "message" ]

  grok {
    match => [ "name", "^(?<metric-type>\w+)\..*" ]

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
    index => "%{metric-type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Json example sent to the http plugin:

  "name": "counter.custom",
  "value": 321,
  "from": "2017-11-30T10:43:17.213Z",
  "to": "2017-11-30T10:44:00.001Z"

This record is saved in the counter-2017.11.30 index as expected. However, I don't want the field metric-type to be saved, I just need it to determine the index.

Any suggestions please?


  • I have used grok to put my metric-type into a field since grok pattern does not support [@metadata][metric-type] syntax. I have used a mutate filter to copy that field to @metadata and then removed the temporary field.

    input {
      http {
        port => 31311
    filter {
      json {
        source => "message"
      mutate {
        remove_field => [ "headers", "message" ]
      grok {
        match => [ "name", "^(?<metric-type>\w+)\..*" ]
      mutate {
        add_field => { "[@metadata][metric-type]" => "%{metric-type}" }
        remove_field => [ "metric-type" ]
    output {
      elasticsearch {
        hosts => [ "http://localhost:9200" ]
        index => "%{[@metadata][metric-type]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

    -- EDIT --

    As suggested by @Phonolog in the discussion, there is a simpler and much better solution. By using grok keyword matching instead of regex, I was able to save the captured group directly to the @metadata.

    input {
      http {
        port => 31311
    filter {
      json {
        source => "message"
      mutate {
        remove_field => [ "headers", "message" ]
      grok {
        match => [ "name", "%{WORD:[@metadata][metric-type]}." ]
    output {
      elasticsearch {
        hosts => [ "http://localhost:9200" ]
        index => "%{[@metadata][metric-type]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"