I am looking for a way to show a specific view only to specific visitors who get a link to that view. How can I make a middleware so that shows the view only if it comes from a specific source (like if it comes from source.blade.php)
I cannot use the middleware for guest or auth, because then it would give that view to all the auth, but I only want give that view to an auth who has made a payment at beginning and have been redirected from a specific URL.
How can I setup a middleware in such a way that it only shows the view if the auth is being redirected from another view like - source.blade.php
Currently, I have this page setted up like this
public function __construct()
This works well, it only shows this page to someone who has logged in from the client authentication guard, but the problem is, any client can visit this page.
I am looking for a way to make it so that it can viewed only by the client who paid at the beginning, and were re-directed by my website. Maybe something like
public function __construct()
if(redirect_source="source.blade.php") {$this->middleware('auth:client'); }
I think you want a solution that will limit the permission based on your user type.
Middlewares are used to condition certain parameters if you want to let the requester to go into the specific url/route and not to control inside your views.
So if you want to control it, you can use this solution .
namespace App\Laravel\Middleware\Backoffice;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Auth, Session;
class ValidSuperUser {
* The Guard implementation.
* @var Guard
protected $auth;
* Create a new filter instance.
* @param Guard $auth
* @return void
public function __construct(Guard $auth)
$this->auth = $auth;
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Closure $next
* @return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if($this->auth->user()->type != "super_user") {
Session::flash('notification-title',"Access Denied");
Session::flash('notification-msg','You are not allowed to view the page you are tring to access.');
return redirect()->route('backoffice.dashboard');
return $next($request);
in your Kernel.php under Http folder declare the new Middleware in order to use.
**put it under protected $routeMiddleware = []
and then use it to your routes that need to help that kind of user type.
$route->group(['middleware' => "aliasofyournewmiddle"],function(){
//some routes here
your new middleware can be any condition upon the request, so any inputs and available session that has been passed to that url are usable on that middleware, adjust it on how you want to handle the situation.