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How to add a resource image on QDial?

How to add a resource image on QDial?

I have already done a custom class for QDial but how can I include a stylesheet there, in order to add a resource image like I do for buttons? For example:



  • QDial does not support stylesheets, except the background color. However, here is how I am doing it.

    A warning, though: this is not complete at all, it just gives you an idea of how to do it.

    In your header, set a property for a QPixmap which will be your background image:

    class QCustomDial : public QDial
        Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap backgroundImage READ backgroundImage WRITE setBackgroundImage DESIGNABLE true)
        QPixmap* m_background;
        QPixmap backgroundImage()    { return *m_background; }
        void setBackgroundImage(QPixmap pixmap) 
            *m_background = pixmap;
        QPixmap* m_background;

    Then, in your paintEvent, you'll have to draw the pixmap:

    void QCustomDial::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
        QPainter painter(this);
        QPoint start(0, 0); //whatever you want 
        painter.drawPixmap(start, *m_background);

    Finally, the part you wanted in your question: the stylesheet. Now that you have defined a Q_PROPERTY, you can get it from the stylesheet:

    QCustomDial {
        qproperty-backgroundImage: url(:/resources/img/knob.png);

    I hope that it will help you. I also suggest you to read this blog about a custom QDial (part1 and part2).