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How do I access the indices of an ArrayBuffer created from a Blob?

I do not consider myself a programmer, so I have found many, many answers to my questions by searching this site. I have been unable to figure this one out, though.

Using Javascript (really the only language I can even attempt right now), I am trying to upload a file and load its binary data into an ArrayBuffer for editing. I am utilizing both FileSaver.js and Blob.js to increase compatibility. I have the user select the file, then load the file. When loading commences, a FileReader uses readAsArrayBuffer to load the file into an ArrayBuffer. I currently have it set to give an alert to check on the contents of the ArrayBuffer, but I will eventually remove that and simply work with the data.

If I take out the index, the alert knows that it is displaying an ArrayBuffer, but whenever I pick an index (like [0]), it tells me it's undefined. How do I get the file data into an ArrayBuffer? And how will it be divided up? Preferably I'd like 1 byte to an index.

function loadButtonPressed() {
    var loadedFile = document.getElementById('loadFile').files;
    var testFile = loadedFile[0];
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
        if ( == FileReader.DONE) {


  • A buffer is just a series of bytes with no meaning. JS provides no way to directly manipulate a buffer. To look into a buffer, you need a view, that defines how the buffer is interpreted - either a typed array, or a DataView object. Try this:

    // ...
    let buffer = reader.result;
    let view = Int8Array(buffer);

    or this:

    // ...
    let buffer = reader.result;
    console.log(new DataView(buffer).getInt8(0))