Say I had two doubles separated by a comma to parse returning their sum. I might do it as follows in Haskell:
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text (pack)
dblParse = (\a -> fst a + snd a) <$> ((,) <$> double <* char ',' <*> double)
parseOnly dblParse $ pack "1,2"
The parseOnly
statement will yield (Right 3)::Either String Double
- where Either is how Haskell often handles errors.
You can kind of get a sense how this works - (,) <$> double <*> double
yields a Parser (Double,Double)
, and applying (\a -> fst a + snd a)
makes it a Parser Double
I'm trying to do the same thing in Qi, but when I expect to get back 3, I actually get back 1:
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
struct cat
double q;
template <typename Iterator>
struct cat_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, cat()>
cat_parser() : cat_parser::base_type(start)
using qi::int_;
using qi::double_;
using qi::repeat;
using qi::eoi;
using qi::_1;
double a;
start %= double_[phx::ref(a) =_1] >> ',' >> double_[a + _1];
qi::rule<Iterator, cat()> start;
int main()
std::string wat("1,2");
cat_parser<std::string::const_iterator> f;
cat example;
std::string::const_iterator st = wat.begin();
std::string::const_iterator en = wat.end();
std::cout << parse(st, en, f, example) << std::endl;
std::cout << example.q << std::endl;
return 0;
My question is twofold: Is this the idiomatic way to do this with Spirit, and why am I getting 1 instead of 3?
why am I getting 1 instead of 3?
You're likely getting 1 because that's the exposed attribute.³
However, you can't reason about your code due to Undefined Behaviour.
Your semantic actions
invoke UB: you assign to a
whose lifetime ends at the end of the parser constructor. That's random memory corruption
has no effect: the action [a+_1]
is an expression that results in a temporary that is the sum of /whatever is at the memory location that used to hold the local variable
aat the time of parser construction/
and the attribute exposed by the subject parser (double_
). In this case it would be "?+2.0" but it doesn't matter at all because nothing is done with the result: it's merely discarded.
Taking the requirement to be Just:
Say I had two doubles separated by a comma to parse returning their sum
Here's how we'd do it:
double parseDoublesAndSum(std::istream& is) {
double a, b; char comma;
if (is >> a >> comma && comma == ',' && is >> b)
return a + b;
return 0;
See it Live On Coliru.
I get it :)
Well, firstly, we'd realize the exposed attribute is a double, not the list.
Next step is to realize that the individual elements of the list aren't of interest. We can just initialize the result to 0 and use it to accumulate the elements¹, e.g.:
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
double parseDoublesAndSum(std::string const& source) {
double result = 0;
using namespace boost::spirit::qi;
namespace px = boost::phoenix;
bool ok = parse(source.begin(), source.end(), double_ [ px::ref(result) += _1 ] % ',');
if (!ok)
throw std::invalid_argument("source: expect comma delimited list of doubles");
return result;
void test(std::string input) {
try {
std::cout << "'" << input << "' -> " << parseDoublesAndSum(input) << "\n";
} catch (std::exception const& e) {
std::cout << "'" << input << "' -> " << e.what() << "\n";
int main() {
'1,2' -> 3
'1,2,3' -> 6
'1,2,3' -> 6
'1,2,inf,4' -> inf
'1,2,-inf,4,5,+inf' -> -nan
'1,2,-NaN' -> -nan
'1,,' -> 1
'1' -> 1
'aaa,1' -> 'aaa,1' -> source: expect comma delimited list of doubles
woah, "1,," shouldn't have parsed!
It didn't :) We have formulated the parser not to expect the full input to be consumed, fix: append >> eoi
bool ok = parse(source.begin(), source.end(), double_ [ px::ref(result) += _1 ] % ',' >> eoi);
Now the relevant test case prints
'1,,' -> '1,,' -> source: expect comma delimited list of doubles
What if we want the diagnostic to mention that the end of input (eoi
) was expected? Make it an expectation point > eoi
bool ok = parse(source.begin(), source.end(), double_ [ px::ref(result) += _1 ] % ',' > eoi);
Now prints
'1,,' -> '1,,' -> boost::spirit::qi::expectation_failure
Which can be improved by handling that exception type:
'1,,' -> Expecting <eoi> at ',,'
How about accepting spaces?
Just use phrase_parse
which allows a skipper outside lexeme
bool ok = phrase_parse(source.begin(), source.end(), double_ [ px::ref(result) += _1 ] % ',' > eoi, blank);
Now everything blank
is ignored in between the primitives:
test(" 1, 2 ");
' 1, 2 ' -> 3
How to package it up as
Like I mentioned, realize you can use the rule's exposed attribute as accumulator register:
namespace Parsers {
static const qi::rule<iterator, double(), qi::blank_type> product
= qi::eps [ qi::_val = 0 ] // initialize
>> qi::double_ [ qi::_val += qi::_1 ] % ','
Printing the same results as before
¹ bear in mind that summation is an interesting subject,
² primitive parsers are implicitly lexemes, lexeme[]
directives inhibit skipping and rules declared without a skipper are implicitly lexemes: Boost spirit skipper issues
³ PS. There's a subtlety at play here. Had you not written %=
but just =
the value would have been indeterminate: