We created two branches and one developers group committed to master branch and another developer groups committed to development branch. We developed different requirements in two branches in last 2 months and now we want to merge these two branches. We are using SVN but it is not easy to merge these classes, because same class in two branches are changed several times and it's very complicated to merge now. What is the easiest way to merge these two branches? Branch history is not important for us. We can use git tools also, or visual tools.
You appear to confuse merging-as-joining-histories and merging-as-reconciling-changes. These two most of the time are done at the same time — when one performs a merge operation using their VCS, — and that's why they're not usually being mentally distinguished in one's mind.
But in fact, they are distinct and you can use this to your advantage:
Run a normal merge operation using your VCS.
You will have conflicts. That's inevitable and is okay.
Have the conflicts in the offending file resolved by using either of the both sides of the merge.
Something like svn checkout --theirs ^path/to/that/file.java
Take both versions of the class implementation and come up with another one which reconciles them both in a sensible way (code-wise).
Update the file with the implementation. Run tests to ensure it works as expected.