is possible to compare objects of two different types compare with mockito or hamcrest ? For example below I show examples of my objects.
public class ObjectA {
private Long id;
private String name;
private AddressA address
// getters and setters
public class ObjectB {
private Long id;
private String name;
private AddressB address
// getters and setters
Objects AddressA and AddressB are also with same named properties, but only different types. Is it possible, and if yes how? Thanks.
Using hamcrest
API, you can achieve it by following
ObjectA A = new ObjectA(1, "ABC", new AddressA("jkl"));
ObjectB B = new ObjectB(1, "PQR", new AddressB("xyz"));
assertThat(A, hasProperty("id", equalTo(B.getId())));
assertThat(A, hasProperty("name", equalTo(B.getName())));
assertThat(A.getAddressA(), hasProperty("address", equalTo(B.getAddressB().getAddress())));