I am trying to pass a List to my Web API but I keep getting a null value. I am converting the list in to a string before passing it to the API. Any ideas how can I bind it correctly?
public async Task<ReturnViewModel> ModContactsAsync(List<ContactsDTO> Contacts)
ReturnViewModel vm = new ReturnViewModel();
var postContactsUri = new UriBuilder(AppConfig.ServiceUrlBase);
//Converts object into a string
var jsonObject = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(Contacts);
postContactsUri.Path = string.Format(POST_CONTACTS_API_PATH, jsonObject);
//Calls API
var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(postContactsUri.ToString());
return vm;
POST - API CALL List prod is null
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ModContacts([FromBody] List<ContactsDTO> prods)
await Task.Delay(10);
return Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new PropertyPortalWebApiException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Contact information does not exist.", ex);
I figured out the issue. Just add the Contacts object to the PostAsync to the second parameter and voila. You don't need to convert the object to JSON.
public async Task<ReturnViewModel> ModContactsAsync(List<ContactsDTO> Contacts)
ReturnViewModel vm = new ReturnViewModel();
var postContactsUri = new UriBuilder(AppConfig.ServiceUrlBase);
postContactsUri.Path = string.Format(POST_CONTACTS_API_PATH, jsonObject);
//Add Contacts to second parameter
var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(postContactsUri.ToString(), Contacts);
return vm;