I successfully installed and integrated the CKEditor (4.7.3) in my Symfony 3.3.10 project using the ckeditor-bundle from egeloen (ivoryckeditor). I am now trying to get the "Save" Plugin to work.
I copied the plugin folder into my web-folder. This is my test configuration in config.yml
inline: true
autoload: false
async: false
toolbar: [ [ "Save", "Cut", "Copy" ] ]
extraPlugins: "save"
path: "/bundles/ivoryckeditor/plugins/save/"
filename: "plugin.js"
Thats how I create the ckeditor form to pass to twig for rendering:
$ckeditForm = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamedBuilder('ckedit_form', CKEditorType::class, $content, array(
'label' => false,
'config' => array(
'config_name' => 'ckeditor_config_1',
'inline' => true,
Unfortunately the "Save" Button is not showing up. Any ideas about the cause of the button not showing up are very welcome.
OK - The save plugin is just not working in inline mode. Could be documented somewhere - couldn't find any hint to that...