Search code examples

How can I get the projections for specific category in Event Store?

I made following projection in Event Store:

   $init: function() { 
     return { 
       min: 0,
       max: 0,
       sum: 0,
       cnt: 0
   $any: function(s, e) {
      if (s.max < e.body.AcPower) {
        s.max = e.body.AcPower;
      if (s.min > e.body.AcPower) {
        s.min = e.body.AcPower;
      s.sum += e.body.AcPower;
      s.cnt += 1;
      s.avg = s.sum/s.cnt;

How can I get the result for a specific stream? The stream Ids are: "Ping-255.1", "Ping-255.2".... "Ping-255.1000"

Looking at: http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont i get:

  "coreProcessingTime": 4072,
  "version": 0,
  "epoch": -1,
  "effectiveName": "stats-cont",
  "writesInProgress": 0,
  "readsInProgress": 0,
  "partitionsCached": 1000,
  "status": "Running",
  "stateReason": "",
  "name": "stats-cont",
  "mode": "Continuous",
  "position": "$ce-Ping: 132233",
  "progress": 100.0,
  "lastCheckpoint": "$ce-Ping: 131999",
  "eventsProcessedAfterRestart": 132234,
  "statusUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont",
  "stateUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/state",
  "resultUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/result",
  "queryUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/query%3Fconfig=yes",
  "enableCommandUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/command/enable",
  "disableCommandUrl": "http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/command/disable",
  "checkpointStatus": "",
  "bufferedEvents": 0,
  "writePendingEventsBeforeCheckpoint": 0,
  "writePendingEventsAfterCheckpoint": 0

The following is not working: http://localhost:2113/projection/stats-cont/state?partition=255.1

Thanks in advance.


  • In event store 4.0 and later, enable the by category built in projection:

    curl "http://localhost:2113/projection/$by_category/command/enable" -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Y2hhbmdlaXQ="

    The Authorization header in this example contains the default admin:changeit credentials.

    When the by category projection is enabled, a $ce-Ping stream is created for the Ping-* events. View the $ce-Ping stream using this URL:$ce-Ping