I want to use $http
service inside my filter. Now I get the following error
angular.js:12477 TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
at factory (next-schedule-occurrence.filter.js:32)
How can I inject $http
HTML Template:
<p>Next execution: {{watcher._source.trigger.schedule.later | nextScheduleOccurrence}}</p>
Filter code:
/* global angular */
import moment from 'moment';
import later from 'later';
* Get the next occurence of from the 'later' lib text schedule
class NextScheduleOccurrence {
* @param {string} schedule in English for the 'later' text parser
constructor(schedule) {
this.schedule = schedule;
* @return {string} the future occurrence for the schedule
next(config) {
if (config.es.watcher.schedule_timezone === 'local') {
return moment(later.schedule(later.parse.text(this.schedule)).next()).format('D/M/YYYY H:m:s');
* @param {string} schedule in English for the 'later' text parser
static factory(schedule, $http) {
const filter = new NextScheduleOccurrence(schedule);
return $http.get('../api/sentinl/config').then((config) => {
return filter.next(config);
NextScheduleOccurrence.factory.$inject = ['schedule', '$http'];
export default angular.module('nextScheduleOccurrence', [])
.filter('nextScheduleOccurrence', () => NextScheduleOccurrence.factory);
I get the same error if I use a function for the filter instead of the class.
const NextScheduleOccurrence = function (schedule, $http) {
return $http.get('../api/config').then((config) => {
if (config.es.watcher.schedule_timezone === 'local') {
return moment(later.schedule(later.parse.text(schedule)).next()).format('D/M/YYYY H:m:s');
NextScheduleOccurrence.$inject = ['schedule', '$http'];
export default angular.module('nextScheduleOccurrence', []).filter('nextScheduleOccurrence', () => NextScheduleOccurrence);
I think your factory method should return a function like this
static factory($http) {
return function(schedule) {
const filter = new NextScheduleOccurrence(schedule);
return $http.get('../api/sentinl/config').then((config) => {
return filter.next(config);