I have a view model that is used to produce items for an ItemsControl
public class PermissionItemViewModel
public PermissionsEnum Permission {get; set;}
The enum itself is defined in a way that the list is not naturally in alphabetical order, and when the control renders, the items are in the same order as the enum definition.
In my view, I am trying to define a CollectionViewSource
and make it sort those items by what would essentially be myEnumValue.ToString()
. Instead, the sort seems to be in order of the enum values instead of (what I thought would be) an implicit ToString()
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="permissionsViewSource"
Source="{Binding PermissionItems}"> <!-- ObservableCollection<PermissionItemViewModel> -->
<cm:SortDescription PropertyName="Permission" />
Ultimately, I use the source like this:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource permissionsViewSource}}" />
I would like it to sort by the names of the enums, not their values. How can I force it to do that?
Looks like you may be able to grab the ListCollectionView
and do a custom sort on that.
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CollectionViewSource source = (CollectionViewSource)(this.Resources["MyCollectionViewSource1"]);
ListCollectionView view = (ListCollectionView)source.View;
view.CustomSort = new CustomSorter();
public class CustomSorter : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
var itemx = x as PermissionItemViewModel;
var itemy = y as PermissionItemViewModel;
return $"{itemx.Permission}".CompareTo($"{itemy.Permission}");
You could salve your conscience a bit by writing this as an attached behavior for CollectionViewSource
that would take a property name for its value. Offhand I think you'd want that to set up a property changed handler on View
-- I think I wrote such a thing once, let's see if I can exhume it...