I have a simple hello world project in eclipse that I want to run with java 9. The program runs when I don't have a module-info.java
file but when I add that file I get the following error:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Module modulefinder not found
Steps to reproduce
1. Create a new maven project
2. Change compiler and build path jre to 9
3. Auto generate module-info.java
4. Update junit dependency in junit to 4.12 if eclipse complains
5. Run the project
Is this an eclipse related issue or am I missing something when running the project?
FYI eclipse version I use is Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)
Found the answer based on intellij output:) I had to add the location of the classes to the vm arguments in the run configurations as well as the module name/path to main. like below. See the java -help
command for more info regarding -m
and -p