I need to split up the data in Seq[Array[String]] type into two Seq[Double] type items.
Sample data : ([4.0|1492168815],[11.0|1491916394],[2.0|1491812028]).
I used
var action1, timestamp1 = seq.map(t =>
but didn't get the results as expected. Looking out for valuable suggestions.
Assuming your input is in format "[double1|double2]"
scala> Seq("[4.0|1492168815]","[11.0|1491916394]","[2.0|1491812028]")
res72: Seq[String] = List([4.0|1492168815], [11.0|1491916394], [2.0|1491812028])
drop [
and ]
, then split by \\|
, |
is a metacharacter in regex.
scala> res72.flatMap {_.dropRight(1).drop(1).split("\\|").toList}.map{_.toDouble}
res74: Seq[Double] = List(4.0, 1.492168815E9, 11.0, 1.491916394E9, 2.0, 1.491812028E9)
Or you can do
scala> val actTime = seq.flatMap(t => t.map(x => { val temp = x.split("\\|"); (temp(0), temp(1))}))
actTime: Seq[(String, String)] = List((4.0,1492168815), (11.0,1491916394), (2.0,1491812028))
And to separate them into two Seq[Double]
you can do
scala> val action1 = actTime.map(_._1.toDouble)
action1: Seq[Double] = List(4.0, 11.0, 2.0)
scala> val timestamp1 = actTime.map(_._2.toDouble)
timestamp1: Seq[Double] = List(1.492168815E9, 1.491916394E9, 1.491812028E9)
If there could be non-double data in input, you should use Try
for safer Double
scala> Seq("[4.0|1492168815]","[11.0|1491916394]","[2.0|1491812028]", "[abc|abc]")
res75: Seq[String] = List([4.0|1492168815], [11.0|1491916394], [2.0|1491812028], [abc|abc])
scala> import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Success
scala> import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Try
scala> res75.flatMap {_.dropRight(1).drop(1).split("\\|").toList}
.map{d => Try(d.toDouble)}
.collect {case Success(x) => x }
res83: Seq[Double] = List(4.0, 1.492168815E9, 11.0, 1.491916394E9, 2.0, 1.491812028E9)