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How I can avoid optimistic concurrency exception when I delete rows?

I have a method that receive the IDs of some rows to delete. I am using a code like this:

public bool delete(IEnumerable<long> paramIeId)
        foreach(long iterator in paramIeId)
            nyDbContext.Remove(new MyType(){ID = iterator});

It works fine because delete the rows when exists. But If there area 1 or more rows that doesn't exist then I get an exception and no one rows are delete, although some of them exists.

If I do this query in T-SQL I don't have problems, the database delete the exisiting rows and igonre the no exisiting rows because at the end I want to delete them so if another process deleted them for me, no problem.

I could handle the optimistic concurrency exception refreshing the dbContextfrom database, but I think that it is to do extra queries that they could be avoid.

Is there any way that EF works like T-SQL? If I try to delete a row that doen't exists, ignore it and delete the rest of the rows.



  • At least for now, the exception seems unavoidable when using detached entities to perform the delete. You'll either have to use a try / catch and handle the exception or query the DB for matching id's and only delete matches1.

    Sample With Exception Handling

    using (myContext)
        foreach (long iterator in paramIeId)
            nyDbContext.Remove(new MyType() { ID = iterator });
        catch(DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
            //if you want special handling for double delete

    Sample With Query then Delete

    Note that I query the entire list of types before the loop to avoid making separate queries on each type.

    using (myContext)
        var existingMyTypes = nyDbContext.MyTypes.Where(x => paramIeId.Contains(x.ID));
        foreach (MyType existing in existingMyTypes)

    1 NOTE: The query then delete option leaves open a possible race condition which could trigger the OptimisticConcurrencyException you're trying to - namely, if another process / thread / program deletes the rows between your own processes's read and delete. The only way to completely handle that possibility is by handling the exception in a try / catch.