I've got NativeScript 3.3.0 installed. My project-wide CSS is in app/app.css
When I run the app, either by console
tns run android --device [device-ID of my preferred emulator]
or by starting it in an Android emulator through JetBrain's WebStorm (with NativeScript plugin installed), the app.css
always gets minified during the rebuilding process after I do some changes to it while the app is running.
Is it somehow possibile to prevent NativeScript from minifying the CSS file upon building the app? I wished there was a run parameter with which I could toggle that.
Looks like you have nativescript-dev-sass installed if you uninstall it, the minification should stop.
But ideally, you would want to keep the minification.
you can do,
npm remove -D nativescript-dev-sass
and you remove those nativescript-dev-sass files which are in hooks folder (if it doesn't get removed automatically).
Also if you see node-sass
in your devDependencies, remove that as well with
npm remove -D node-sass
and you should be good to go. Cheers!