I have a maven project imported into Eclipse Oxygen. Eclipse reports no compile issues (Alt + F5
). When I run maven from the command line I get
[ERROR] /home/dean/src/TAP3UIs/TAP3Desktop/src/main/java/com/ms/tap3/controller/RequestAccessController.java:[8,30] package com.google.common.base does not exist
That package does exist in my .m2/repository in guava-15.0.jar. I can also see it in Eclipse mvn dependencies. When I check the mvn dependency:tree
for the project I see
[INFO] | | | +- com.google.guava:guava:jar:15.0:runtime
It is a runtime transitive dependency on the command line, which explains why it doesn't compile on the command line. Somehow Eclipse has turned a transitive dependency from runtime to compile.
Does anyone know why this happens and how I make Eclispe m2e respect the scope of the transitive dependencies?
Currently, neither JDT nor m2e support multiple classpaths per project which is required to support different scopes.
See: Eclipse bug 486035 - Different classpath containers for different scopes
Since Eclipse Photon (4.8) which was released in June 2018 this is now supported. See Eclipse bug 526858 and my video showing this in action.