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Error - Google Maps Cordova Plugin installation

I am getting this error in the terminal --

cordova plugin add --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID=androidkey --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS=ioskey --save ✖ Running command - failed! [ERROR] Cordova encountered an error. You may get more insight by running the Cordova command above directly. [ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova plugin add (exit code 1): Error: Failed to fetch plugin via registry. Probably this is either a connection problem, or plugin spec is incorrect. Check your connection and plugin name/version/URL. Failed to get absolute path to installed module

It's not my connection. I have tried this in another app and it seems to work fine. Thanks


  • I resolved this in my ionic project with some bold steps as follows:

    1. In your editor (I use VS Code), search for all instances of the text cordova-plugin-googlemaps: I found them in config.xml,package.json & package-lock.json
    2. Delete all these instances from those files.
    3. Also, delete the file package-lock.json for good measure
    4. Remove all platforms (android or ios) from your project
    5. Delete the following folders from your project: platforms,plugins,www
    6. Add the cordova-plugin-googlemaps (At this point, it should successfully save it in config.xml)
    7. Add your platforms
    8. Then run your application