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Xbox One UWP File Access

In testing my (C# UWP) game worked flawlessly. However, when I deployed to the Microsoft store my game fails on start up. It has been a few days and the Failure log is now populating with data on the Dashboard.

According to the Dashboard I am having a DirectoryNotFoundException in the main constructor. The only file IO that occurs is setting a media element source to a sound.

sounds.Source = new Uri(@"ms-appx:///Assets/Sounds/mySounds.wav");

In dev activation mode on my Xbox this all worked fine. The PC version in production works fine too. Does any one know if the Xbox in production has access to a sub directory in the Assets folder?

Update: I have just now been granted access to the complete stack trace. enter image description here


  • It turns out that the Store Services SDK version 1710 was signed incorrectly by Microsoft, this was triggering the exception. Once I remove the code that is specific to the Store Services the game was running fine again.