How do I render JSF components based on a logged in user's role? I know the external context exposes the principals, but how should I do the rendering properly in JSF? In JSP it would be something like
<% isUserInRole(Roles.ADMIN) { %>
<% } %>
How do I write this in JSF the best possible way? My best guess is the rendered attribute tied to a backing bean's method that returns a boolean, but that would introduce an irrelevant backing bean if I have to render some navigation items only for admins...
Glassfish V3.1, JSF 2.x
If your web.xml
is declared as Servlet 3.0 (which implicitly relates to JSP/EL 2.2)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
then you can take benefit of being able to invoke methods with arguments in EL like as ExternalContext#isUserInRole()
Note that this requires a Servlet 3.0 capable container, but since you're using Glassfish 3 (which supports Servlet 3.0), it should work without any issues.
Also note that if you're using Facelets instead of JSP, then you've the HttpServletRequest
available as #{request}
in EL, allowing you the following shorter expression: