I am programming in Java.
I am struggling to transform this:
Text0 Text1 " Text2 Text3 Text4 " Text5 Text6
into this:
Text0 Text1 "Text2 Text3 Text4" Text5 Text6
I have tried lookaheads and lookbehinds:
manages to match all the text inside the quotes, but when switching to:
I get an error. Not sure why.
My short knowledge of regex limits me. Help would be appreciated.
It's easier not to use (just) regex.
Split the string on quotes (-1 to keep any trailing empty parts):
String[] parts = str.split("\"", -1);
Trim the odd-numbered elements:
for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
parts[i] = parts[i].trim();
Join the parts again:
String newStr = String.join("\"", parts);