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Kotlin class delegation, passing this to delegate

Is there any possibility to pass this when delegating class in kotlin?

class SomeFlow : Flow, SmsAuthentication by DefaultSmsAuthentication(this)

It says this does not exist in this context. The other class looks like this:

class DefaultSmsAuthentication(val flow: Flow) : SmsAuthentication


  • How about injecting this by setter, not by constructor?

    For example:

    interface SmsAuthentication {
        fun withFlow(flow: Flow)
        fun auth()
    class DefaultSmsAuthentication() : SmsAuthentication {
        var flow: Flow? = null
        override fun withFlow(flow: Flow) {
            this.flow = flow
        override fun auth() {
    class SomeFlow : Flow, SmsAuthentication by DefaultSmsAuthentication() {
        init {

    However, you need to call withFlow() in constructor by hand every time. You may forget to call it.

    You may want to have SmsAuthentication as a property. So you just inject it by lazy and call it in need. I think it's safer way.

    class SomeFlow : Flow, SmsAuthentication {
        val auth by lazy { DefaultSmsAuthentication(this) }
        override fun auth() {

    You can also apply Decorator pattern, conversely:

    class DefaultSmsAuthenticationFlow(val flow: Flow) :
        Flow by flow
        override fun auth() {
            // you can use flow as this here
    fun doAuth(flow: Flow) {