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Sweetalert2 redirection

I have a php page where I can enter a number in a texfield. If the number entered is higher than the credit the user has, then I have to show an error message. When the user clicks on the button to send the form, I go to makeTransfer.php and I do several checks in here. If, as I said, the user has not credit enough I want to show him an error message using SweetAlert2 and then redirect him to the previous page (let's call it cashier). At the moment, I can show the alert but I'm unable to redirect him.

Here is the code:

echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'setTimeout(function () { swal("WOW!","Message!","error");';
echo '});</script>';

I just want to show the alert, and as soon as the user clicks on Accept button, redirects him to cashier.php


  • Ok, solved the problem. Here is the code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
      title: "Error",
       text: "wrong user or password",
        type: "error" 
      }).then(function() {
        // Redirect the user
        window.location.href = "cashier.php";

    Worked my a** off, but it paid off :). Thanks everyone who tried to help me.