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How to check if the smartphone has gyroscope in Unity3D?

I'm using the Google Cardboard SDK. In older versions of Google Cardboard SDK, it included a file named AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sensor.gyroscope" android:required="true"/>

So a solution could be to simple add that file back to my project.

However I don't like it because if I do it, the app is hidden in Google Play if the device doesn't have a gyroscope, and that's confusing for the users because they tend to search for it in Google Play.

So, how can I check if the device has a gyroscope from the code to show a message to the user like: this smartphone does have gyroscope. Please try with another smartphone.


  • You can check if there is a gyro sensor on the device with Input.isGyroAvailable

    if (Input.isGyroAvailable)
        //Gyro is available

    That's now deprecated and should be used for really old version of Unity. For newer version of Unity, use SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope.

    if (SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope)
        //Gyro is available