Recently I started learning C++ 11. I only studied C/C++ for a brief period of time when I was in college.I come from another ecosystem (web development) so as you can imagine I'm relatively new into C++.
At the moment I'm studying threads and how could accomplish logging from multiple threads with a single writer (file handle). So I wrote the following code based on tutorials and reading various articles.
Thank you very much for your time, bellow is the source (currently for learning purposes everything is inside main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
static const int THREADS_NUM = 8;
class Logger
Logger(const std::string &path) : filePath(path)
void write(const std::string &data)
this->logFile << data;
std::ofstream logFile;
std::string filePath;
void spawnThread(int tid, std::shared_ptr<Logger> &logger)
std::cout << "Thread " + std::to_string(tid) + " started" << std::endl;
logger->write("Thread " + std::to_string(tid) + " was here!\n");
int main()
std::cout << "Master started" << std::endl;
std::thread threadPool[THREADS_NUM];
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool[i] = std::thread(spawnThread, i, logger);
return 0;
PS1: In this scenario there will always be only 1 file handle open for threads to log data.
PS2: The file handle ideally should close right before the program exits... Should it be done in Logger destructor?
The current output with 1000 threads is the following:
Thread 0 was here!
Thread 1 was here!
Thread 2 was here!
Thread 3 was here!
Thread 995 was here!
Thread 996 was here!
Thread 997 was here!
Thread 998 was here!
Thread 999 was here!
I don't see any garbage so far...
My First question and request would be to point out any bad practices / mistakes that I have overlooked (although the code works with VC 2015).
Subjective, but the code looks fine to me. Although you are not synchronizing threads (some std::mutex
in logger would do the trick).
Also note that this:
std::thread threadPool[THREADS_NUM];
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool[i] = std::thread(spawnThread, i, logger);
is pointless. You create a thread, join it and then create a new one. I think this is what you are looking for:
std::vector<std::thread> threadPool;
auto logger = std::make_shared<Logger>("test.log");
// create all threads
for (int i = 0; i < THREADS_NUM; ++i)
threadPool.emplace_back(spawnThread, i, logger);
// after all are created join them
for (auto& th: threadPool)
Now you create all threads and then wait for all of them. Not one by one.
Secondly and this is what is my main concern is that I'm not closing the file handle, and I'm not sure If that causes any issues. If it does when and how would be the most appropriate way to close it?
And when do you want to close it? After each write? That would be a redundant OS work with no real benefit. The file is supposed to be open through entire program's lifetime. Therefore there is no reason to close it manually at all. With graceful exit std::ofstream
will call its destructor that closes the file. On non-graceful exit the os will close all remaining handles anyway.
Flushing a file's buffer (possibly after each write?) would be helpful though.
Lastly and correct me if I'm wrong I don't want to "pause" a thread while another thread is writing. I'm writing line by line each time. Is there any case that the output messes up at some point?
Yes, of course. You are not synchronizing writes to the file, the output might be garbage. You can actually easily check it yourself: spawn 10000 threads and run the code. It's very likely you will get a corrupted file.
There are many different synchronization mechanisms. But all of them are either lock-free or lock-based (or possibly a mix). Anyway a simple std::mutex (basic lock-based synchronization) in the logger class should be fine.