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How to add NSMutableDictionary values in NSMutableArray

I have one NSMutableDictionary with different keys and values. All key values I need to save in NSMutableArray in Swift3.

Here is my NSMutableDictionary :

    92 =     (
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a09a0>",
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0c40>"
    93 =     (
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0540>"

Note: Here 92 and 93 is my dictionary keys.

Below is my code to add dictionary all values in my array.

for value in videoRangeDic.allValues{


As an output, I am getting below array value :

        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0540>"
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a09a0>",
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0c40>"

Instead, I want my output should be like :

        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0540>",
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a09a0>",
        "<Group.VideoRange: 0x6040003a0c40>"

The reason is dictionary is saving values in array like (), So I just need to remove this array. Can anyone please help me to solve my problem without creating any new array. Thank you!


  • If your arrVideoRange is NSMutableArray like this

    var arrVideoRange : NSMutableArray = []

    then try this

    for value in videoRangeDic.allValues{
        arrVideoRange.addObjects(from: value as [Any])