My test framework uses selenium's PageFactory and Lambok. I want to write an aspect to capture all the web elements that a test flow comes across while running.
A typical page looks like:
public class MyCustomPage {
private IWebDriverSet driverSet;
@FindBy(id = PAGE_ROOT)
private WebElement root;
@FindBy(css = FOOT_BAR),
@FindBy(css = FOOT_BAR_B)
private WebElement navBar;
@FindBy determines the webelement that tests deal with. There are 50 of such pages.
The webElement fields are instantiated (assigned with a WebElement instance corresponding to the value in @FindBy) when the page is instantiated using the PageFactory.
I would like to capture these webElements that are annotated with @FindBy/@FindAll as soon as they are instantiated. I dont want to write a separate pointcut for every page class. How to do that?
Since value of a WebElement assigned via reflection you can't intercept that with set() pointcut designator. But you can track all calls to java.lang.reflect.Field.set
@After("call(* java.lang.reflect.Field.set(..)) && args(obj, value) && target(target)")
public void webelementInit(JoinPoint jp, Object obj, Object value, Field target) {
//obj - instance of a class (page object) that declares current field
//value - new field value (instantiated WebElement)
//field - current field
//you can filter calls to the fields you need by matching target.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName() with page object's package
//for example:
//if(target.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName().contains("com.example.pageobjects")) {
//do stuff
In that case you need to define rt.jar in dependencies section in your pom.xml
and in weaveDependencies section of aspectj-maven-plugin