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MASM error Unknown relocation type (1) with 16b code

I am good with M68000 but X86 is diffficult for me. I am trying to assemble this simple program with MASM

  ONE  dB ?
  TWO  dB ?
  stack db  100 dup(?)

  MSG  db 13,10, 'Enter deree of polynomials:  $'
  MSG2 db 13,10, 'Enter coefficient of x^ $' 
  MSG3 db 13,10, 'The polynomial created is: $'
  MSG4 db 13,10, 'The first derivative is: $'
  STR1 db  255 DUP('$')



            mov ax, offset MSG
            mov ds, ax  

end _start

and I keep getting the error Unknown relocation type (1) for symbol MSG. I know what this is (it happens when the displacement is bigger than that allowed by the model or something like this) but I do not know how to solve this error (I know MASM is a 32 bit assembler and I am trying to write a 16 bit code). What I am trying to do is to load the pointer to .data into ds register.

My makeit.bat generated by the MASM32 IDE is:

@echo off
if exist "derivative 1.obj" del "derivative 1.obj" 
if exist "derivative 1.exe" del "derivative 1.exe" 
\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff "derivative 1.asm" 
if errorlevel 1 goto errasm 
\masm32\bin\PoLink /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE "derivative 1.obj" 
if errorlevel 1 goto errlink dir "derivative 1.*" goto TheEnd 
  echo _ 
  echo Link error 
  goto TheEnd 

  echo _ 
  echo Assembly Error 
  goto TheEnd 



  • The MASM32 package doesn't come with support for 16-bit executable generation, although it's not difficult to alter this behaviour. The MASM assembler in the MASM32 package will generate 16-bit code but the linkers supplied will not generate 16-bit executables. This results in the type of error(s) you are seeing.

    You can download a copy of an older linker that supports 16-bit targets. I've made link16.exe (version 5.60.339 Dec 5 1994) available for download on my server.

    Place link16.exe into the \masm32\bin directory. You will have to modify the generated makeit.bat file. The line that calls the linker (like link.exe or polink.exe) has to be replaced with:

    \masm32\bin\link16.exe "filename.obj" ;

    filename.obj is the name of the file you want to link. Change it to suit your project. The semicolon on the end will default all the file names and won't prompt for them. You will then have to modify the the ml line in makeit.bat so that it doesn't produce coff files. To do that remove /coff option:

    \masm32\bin\ml /c "filename.asm"

    Again filename.asm can be replaced by the name of the file in your project.

    Other Observations

    Once you are able to generate a 16-bit executable some issues with your code:

    • Remove stack db 100 dup(?) and use the .stack directive instead

      .stack 100h
    • You need to set up the segment value of MSG in DS instead:

      mov ax, seg MSG
      mov ds, ax 

      With the .small model there is only one data segment. In the .small model .data and .data? will be combined into a single .data segment. With this memory model you can also initialize DS this way:

      mov ax, @data
      mov ds, ax
    • For an DOS EXE program you'll need to exit with something like the DOS exit interrupt

      mov ax, 4c00h
      int 21h

    If you are using MASM32 on a 64-bit version of Windows you wil not be able to directly run the 16-bit applications you create. You will have to download an emulator like DOSBox to run it, or install Virtual Machine (VMWare, VirtualBox, QEMU etc) software with a version of DOS/Windows that can run the code.