Im trying to add class on mouseover in li
tag on ngFor
loop. but when mouseover the li
tag all the li
tag btn-success
class is added. how to add class to particular li
tag in ngFor loop?.
<li class="hhwtmainmenu" *ngFor="let headermenu of headermenus.header; let i=index; " [class.btn-success]="mouseOvered" (mouseout)="mouseOvered=false" (mouseover)="mouseOvered=true">
Not an excellent solution but will do the trick for you.
<ul><li class="hhwtmainmenu"
*ngFor="let headermenu of headermenus.header; let i=index; "
[class.btn-success]="selectedIndex === i"
For the methods in you component file:
setIndex(index: number) {
this.selectedIndex = index;
removeIndex(index: number) {
this.selectedIndex = null;