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Does the XLSReader from JXLS close the workbook?

I would like to know if the XlsReader class from jxls closes the workbook. My code is something like this:

XLSReader mainReader = ReaderBuilder.buildFromXML(inputStreamXml);, beans);

There's no method like close available in XLSReader. I tried to find some point in the internal code when the workbook is closed but I couldn't find. This is the internal implementation of the read method:

public XLSReadStatus read(InputStream inputXLS, Map beans) throws 
        IOException, InvalidFormatException{
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputXLS);
        for(int sheetNo = 0; sheetNo < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetNo++){
            readStatus.mergeReadStatus(readSheet(workbook, sheetNo, beans));
        return readStatus;

Sometimes the xls file is locked by the application, since I couldn't find any point in my code where the resource is not released, I wonder if the problem is the jxls. Apparently the XLSReader doesn't close the workbook. My application closes the inputStreams. Does the application also need to close the workbook?


  • XLSReader does not close the workbook. The reason is that jxls-reader is rather an old module and at the time of its creation there was no workbook close() method in POI.

    Now I believe the method should be used to close the workbook and release the underlying file resources. So it is a good time to raise a bug in jxls-reader issue tracker