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Custom ExUnit assertions and pattern matching

I'm writing a flexible, adapter-based error tracking library and provide a set of custom test assertion functions to make integration tests easier to work with.

I have something like

  # /lib/test_helpers.ex 


  @doc """
  Asserts specific exception and metadata was captured

  ## Example

      exception = %ArgumentError{message: "test"}
      exception |> MyApp.ErrorTracker.capture_exception(%{some_argument: 123})
      assert_exception_captured %ArgumentError{message: "test"}, %{some_argument: 123}
  def assert_exception_captured(exception, extra) do
    assert_receive {:exception_captured, ^exception, ^extra}, 100

Which will pass the exact exception to the assert_exception_captured, but it does not work when trying to pattern match on for example the struct of the exception.

I'd like to be able to do this

assert_exception_captured _any_exception, %{some_argument: _}

How can I make this work with pattern matching?

Much appreciated


  • You'll need to use macros if you want to be able to pass in a pattern. This is how you can implement it with a macro:

    defmacro assert_exception_captured(exception, extra) do
      quote do
        assert_receive {:exception_captured, ^unquote(exception), unquote(extra)}, 100


    test "greets the world" do
      exception = %ArgumentError{message: "test"}
      send self(), {:exception_captured, exception, %{some_argument: 123}}
      assert_exception_captured exception, %{some_argument: _}


    $ mix test
    Finished in 0.02 seconds
    1 test, 0 failures