I am trying to create a column with different formatting within my ui-grid within the angular framework.
columnDefs: [{
name: 'Column', width: 300, visible: true, cellTemplate: '<a href="modelremote:{{ grid.getCellValue(row, col) }}">{{ grid.getCellValue(row, col) }}</a>'
However, when the code is run I get the following error
jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'grid' is undefined
With hindsight the solution here was obvious as was the problem. The error message points to jinja2 which is the templating engine that I am using to serve my pages.
Both angular and jinja2 use the {{
and }}
which is ironic since one assumes they were chosen to precisely avoid this kind of conflict.
Simply escaping the curly braces solves the problem.
columnDefs: [{
name: 'Column', width: 300, visible: true, cellTemplate: '<a href="modelremote:\{\{ grid.getCellValue(row, col) \}\}">\{\{ grid.getCellValue(row, col) \}\}</a>'