I have an asp.net core 2.0 application whose docker image runs fine locally, but when that same image is deployed to an AKS cluster, the pods have a status of CrashLoopBackOff and the pod log shows:
Did you mean to run dotnet SDK commands? Please install dotnet SDK from: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=798306&clcid=0x409.
And since you can't ssh to AKS clusters, it's pretty difficult to figure this out?
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0
COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "myapi.dll"]
Turned out that our build system wasn't putting the app code into the container as we thought. Since the container wasn't runnable, I didn't know how to inspect its contents until I found this command which is a lifesaver for these kinds of situations:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash [image_id]
... which at this point, you can freely inspect/verify the contents of the container.