I'm am learning firebase to implement with my angular projects but running in to a issue with the .switchMap() operator. My understanding is that it is supposed to get one observable and switch to another. I am trying to get firebase user and switch to a authenticated application user.
Error: AngularFireObject<{}> is not assignable to the parm of type (value: User, index: Number)
Here is my code
AuthGuard :
canActivate(): Observable<boolean>{
return this.auth.user$
.switchMap(user => this.userService.get(user.uid)) <-- error
.map(appUser => appUser.isAdmin)
return this.db.object('/users/' + uid);
The object()
method of the AngularFireDatabase
service doesn't return an observable, it returns an AngularFireObject
. This service allows you to data operations as well as create observable streams in different ways.
Instead use one of the observable stream methods provided like valueChanges()
get(uid: string){
return this.db.object('/users/' + uid).valueChanges();