I am looking to add table td "title" attribute along with td content. is there any way to do this
I used groovy markup builder in the context of grails tags libs, I share a small custom tag with the requirement that you mention. See how the title attribute is added to the td tag
import groovy.xml.*
def table = {
MarkupBuilder mb = new MarkupBuilder(out)
mb.table {
thead {
tr {
th 'Col1'
th 'Col2'
th 'Col3'
tbody {
tr {
td(title: 'lorem ipsum') {
mb.yield 'Text1'
td 'Text1'
td 'Text1'
tr {
td(title: 'lorem ipsum') {
mb.yield 'Text2'
td 'Text2'
td 'Text2'
In the view you can invoke the new tag in this way, assuming you use the namespace location
This will draw the following table in the browser
It's certainly not pretty but it's made with markup builder and it has some td with the title attribute.
This link is an excellent resource to understand tags libs in grails and contains examples using markup builder
For how to use markup builder in a context other than grails tag libs, visit this post of who else if not Mr Haki
I hope it is useful for you