For a try block in CIL, I'm aware that you can enter a catch handler by throwing an exception in the protected block such as:
try {
newobj Exception
leave EX1
} catch {
ldstr "catchblock"
call WriteLine
} finally {
ldstr "finallyblock"
call WriteLine
the throw statement will transfer control to the catch clause, which pops off the exception.
My concern(/curiosity) is whether this could be optimized so execution goes to the catch block not through a throw, but by "falling" into it via increment the PC. Something like this:
try {
newobj Exception
} catch {
ldstr "catchblock"
call WriteLine
} finally {
ldstr "finallyblock"
call WriteLine
Is this valid CIL? Is it possible to get to a catch handler block without using a throw statement?
Nope, it's explicitly invalid.
In ECMA-335 Partition I, Section
Entry to filters or handlers can only be accomplished through the CLI exception system; that is, it is not valid for control to fall through into such blocks. This means filters and handlers cannot appear at the beginning of a method, or immediately following any instruction that can cause control flow to fall through.