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Sweet Alert 2 Open in Parent Frame

I have an iframe with a source that is a php file. What I'm trying to do is get Sweet Alert 2 to open in the parent frame rather than inside of the iframe. I have tried changing the target and have not had any success.

None of the following target options have worked:

    target: 'window'
    target: 'document'
    target: 'parent'

This is the result that I get when 'body' is the target:

enter image description here


SweetAlert 2 code

    type: 'error',
    text: 'You did not select any files.',
    target: 'top'

iFrame code

<div id="viewWindow" class="col-xs-10 content">
    <iframe id="waiverList" src="php/edit_archive.php"></iframe>


  • Hi what you can do is have your sweetalert2 code in your parent window. Then use JavaScript's parent property inside your iframe to call the function. To avoid getting a same origin policy error you can use window post messages.

    like this:

    Parent Html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        function openAlert() {
                'Good job!',
                'You clicked the button!',
        window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
            if( == "openAlert");{
        <iframe src="iframe.html">

    Iframe HTML

    <!DOCTYPE html>
         <button onclick="foo();">Click Me</button>
         function foo(){
             parent.postMessage("openAlert", "*");