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How to return scandir output inside Wordpress short code?

I made WP shortcode to list all files inside specific directory in order to return/echo the result between worpress visual composer tab shortcode [tab title="TEST ME"]SCANDIRE OUTPUT[/tab]

And this is my functions code:

/* Start of SC Scan files */
function xs_sc_specsheets() {
        $files = scandir('./documents/FD30/5_Hardware/Concort/Specsheets');
        sort($files); // this does the sorting
        foreach($files as $file){
                if($file == ".." || $file == ".") continue; //Skip parent directory links
                $xsresult = '<div class="wpb_wrapper"> <div class="column one-third"> <a class=" button  button_full_width button_size_2 button_js" href="/documents/FD30/5_Hardware/Concort/Specsheets/'.$file.'"><span class="button_label">'.$file.'</span></a> </div></div>' ;
        return do_shortcode('[tab title="TEST ME"]' . $xsresult . '[/tab]');

if (function_exists('xs_sc_specsheets')) {
    add_shortcode( 'sc_specsheets', 'xs_sc_specsheets');
/* End of SC Scan files */

The results appeared on my WP content in proper tab position with one problem tha only one file show from the total files.

Where is the issue in my code?


  • In each step of the loop you reset final return xsresult variable. Try "$xsresult.=" instead of "xsresult=". Here it is

    /* Start of SC Scan files */
    function xs_sc_specsheets() {
            $files = scandir('./documents/FD30/5_Hardware/Concort/Specsheets');
            sort($files); // this does the sorting
            foreach($files as $file){
                    if($file == ".." || $file == ".") continue; //Skip parent directory links
                    $xsresult.= '<div class="wpb_wrapper"> <div class="column one-third"> <a class=" button  button_full_width button_size_2 button_js" href="/documents/FD30/5_Hardware/Concort/Specsheets/'.$file.'"><span class="button_label">'.$file.'</span></a> </div></div>' ;
            return do_shortcode('[tab title="TEST ME"]' . $xsresult . '[/tab]');
    if (function_exists('xs_sc_specsheets')) {
        add_shortcode( 'sc_specsheets', 'xs_sc_specsheets');
    /* End of SC Scan files */