I've tried, I think most of the answers here, but I can not get them to work in my situation.
Translated to text, my problem would looked like this :
Sum Y:Y column with
condition 1 : Column B:B if string starts with "15*"
condition 2 : Column T:T must be greater then 0
condition 3 : OR (value from column U:U = 0 OR U:U > V:V )
function, in theory, it would looked like this SUMIFS(Y:Y,B:B,"15*",T:T,">0",or(U:U,"=0", U:U>V:V))
but of course it doesn't work like that.
Also I've tried SUMPRODUCT
...but I don't know how to translate what I like to accomplish into these two.
So please, if someone knows how to make this work. And some explanation please.
Here's SUMPRODUCT based solution which shall work for you.
Caution: Apply complete column references only if necessary as it will slow down your sheet considerably. It is advisable to have a sufficiently large range (but not whole column references) as each column will have million cells to check.
Also note Barry's query about column V being negative has significance on the formula I have posted as it will calculate 2 TRUE conditions as 2 and therefore lead to erroneous result.