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JQGrid free version

There are multiple versions of JQGrid available. Could any one please highlight which is free because my initial understanding was that it was totally free?

There is CDN version available too.

Another link related to JQGrid is.

The other version is Gurido.


  • The question is duplicate of the old one. Nevertheless I decide to write one more answer with some new/additional information.

    Guriddo jqGrid JS is commercial product. You can see the licence agreement and the prices here. I develop and provide the product under the name "free jqGrid" under old MIT and GPL licenses completely free of charge. Both "Guriddo jqGrid JS" and "free jqGrid" have the same starting point "jqGrid" 4.7, but both was developed independently since the end of 2014 and contains different features. Both can be interpreted as forks of "jqGrid" 4.7 product. You can find here short introduction and in the wiki and READMEs more details.

    Both products ("Guriddo jqGrid JS" and "free jqGrid") have different goals. I provides "free jqGrid" for free and thus it's natural, that I publish it on different public places starting with the first version (4.8). The recommended way of the usage is from CDNs. One can choose cdnjs or jsDelivr or CDNs, which wrap npm or GitHup packages. The wiki article describe mode detailed how "free jqGrid" can be loaded from CDNs.

    Additionally "free jqGrid" is available from NuGet and on Maven Central and as bower package.

    I don't find enough time to create the site with good documentation, but I try to hold maximal compatibility with old jqGrid 4.x and thus old jqGrid documentation can be used. Here I publish short introduction about the usage of free jqGrid. If one uses TypeScript or at least understand it's syntax then free-jqgrid.d.ts would be good source, which describes all existing options, methods and events supported by "free jqGrid".