I have the following stored procedure which takes 2 parameters. The @Class parameter can have any one of 11 values. Depending on the value the where clause looks at a different column.
The procedure compiles ok and if I copy the print and paste it into a new query window it runs fine, but if I execute the procedure I am getting an Incorrect syntax error message near 'Bristol' but cannot figure out what I need to do to fix despite looking on here and on other web pages. Any help would be much appreciated
@Depot nvarchar(50),
@Class nvarchar(1)
DECLARE @Where nvarchar(1000)
DECLARE @sSql nvarchar(MAX)
DECLARE @Order nvarchar(1000)
SET @sSql = '
SELECT EM.EmployeeNumber
, EM.EmployeeSurname
, EM.EmployeeInitials
, D.Depot
, EDL.Class1
, EDL.Class2
, EDL.Class3
, EDL.Class4
, EDL.Class5
, EDL.Class6
, EDL.Class7
, EDL.Class8
, EDL.Class9
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EDL.ExpiryDate, 103) ExpiryDate
, EDL.Tanks
, EDL.Package
FROM EmployeeMaster EM
LEFT OUTER JOIN PayrollFrequency PF ON EM.FrequencyDesc = PF.DescCode
INNER JOIN EmployeeDrivingLicence EDL ON EM.EmpCode = EDL.EmpCode
LEFT OUTER JOIN Depot D ON EM.Depot = D.DescCode'
SET @Where = '
WHERE (D.Depot = ''' + @Depot + ''' OR ''' + @Depot + ''' IS NULL)
AND EM.EmployeeLeft = ''N''
AND PF.FrequencyDesc = ''Weekly'''
SET @Order = '
ORDER BY D.DepotDepotDescription
, EDL.ExpiryDate'
IF @Class = '1'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class1 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '2'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class2 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '3'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class3 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '4'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class4 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '5'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class5 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '6'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class6 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '7'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class7 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '8'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class8 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = '9'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Class9 = ''Y'''
IF @Class = 'T'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Tanks = ''Y'''
IF @Class = 'P'
SET @Where = @Where + ' AND EDL.Package = ''Y'''
SET @sSql = @sSql + @Where + @Order
EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL, @Depot, @Class
The print statement produces the following query:
SELECT EM.EmployeeNumber
, EM.EmployeeSurname
, EM.EmployeeInitials
, D.Depot
, EDL.Class1
, EDL.Class2
, EDL.Class3
, EDL.Class4
, EDL.Class5
, EDL.Class6
, EDL.Class7
, EDL.Class8
, EDL.Class9
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EDL.ExpiryDate, 103) ExpiryDate
, EDL.Tanks
, EDL.Package
FROM EmployeeMaster EM
LEFT OUTER JOIN PayrollFrequency PF ON EM.FrequencyDesc = PF.DescCode
INNER JOIN EmployeeDrivingLicence EDL ON EM.EmpCode = EDL.EmpCode
LEFT OUTER JOIN Depot D ON EM.DepotDepotDescription = D.DescCode
WHERE (D.DepotDepotDescription = 'Bristol' OR 'Bristol' IS NULL)
AND PF.FrequencyDesc = 'Weekly'
AND EDL.Class3 = 'Y'
, EDL.ExpiryDate
Since you're embedding the parameter values into the query variable, you don't need to add the params to the sp_executesql call, so this should work:
EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL
Instead of:
EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL, @Depot, @Class
Here's a full working example with DDL statements - swap out the last line with the original version, and you'll get the syntax error.
CREATE TABLE EmployeeMaster (EmployeeNumber INT, EmployeeSurname VARCHAR(25), EmployeeInitials VARCHAR(10), FrequencyDesc VARCHAR(25), EmpCode VARCHAR(25), Depot VARCHAR(25), EmployeeLeft VARCHAR(1))
CREATE TABLE PayrollFrequency (DescCode VARCHAR(25), FrequencyDesc VARCHAR(25))
CREATE TABLE EmployeeDrivingLicence (EmpCode VARCHAR(25), Class1 VARCHAR(1), Package VARCHAR(1), Tanks VARCHAR(1))
ALTER TABLE EmployeeDrivingLicence ADD ExpiryDate DATETIME
CREATE TABLE Depot (Depot VARCHAR(25), DescCode VARCHAR(25), DepotDepotDescription VARCHAR(25))
@Depot nvarchar(50),
@Class nvarchar(1)
EXEC sp_executesql @sSQL
EXEC [TTR_HazDriver] 'test', 'P'