I am creating test in selenium with java and using testlink for test execution and result.Without assertion tests are working fine with testlink and showing result but when I am using assertion to verify expected and actual result like this:
try {
String ExpextedTitle="Software testing tutorials and automatio";
String ActualTitle=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h1[@class='title']")).getText();
Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle, ExpextedTitle);
IntegrationWithTestLink.updateResult("GR-1", null, TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_PASSED);
}catch(Exception e){
IntegrationWithTestLink.updateResult("GR-1", e.getMessage(), TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_FAILED);
I don't know why result are not showing in testlink in case for exception. Can anyone suggest me better approach to use Assertion here.
Assertion Error is not caught by catch block as your are catching exception not the error. To catch the Error change the code as given below.
try {
String ExpextedTitle="Software testing tutorials and automatio";
String ActualTitle=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h1[@class='title']")).getText();
Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle, ExpextedTitle);
IntegrationWithTestLink.updateResult("GR-1", null, TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_PASSED);
}catch(AssertionError e){
IntegrationWithTestLink.updateResult("GR-1", e.getMessage(), TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_FAILED);
It may work for you.