i have 3 TextFiled, one which save String to database, and 2 which should save FLoat to database. When i run my application, i have this error:
Property type 'java.lang.Float' doesn't match the field type 'java.lang.String'. Binding should be configured manually using converter.
This is my code:
public class FuelEditor extends VerticalLayout{
private final FuelReposiotry fuelRepository;
private Fuel fuel;
/* Fields to edit properties in Customer entity */
TextField date = new TextField("Data");
TextField price = new TextField("Cena");
TextField amount = new TextField("Kwota tankowania");
/* Action buttons */
Button save = new Button("Save", FontAwesome.SAVE);
Button cancel = new Button("Cancel");
Button delete = new Button("Delete", FontAwesome.TRASH_O);
CssLayout actions = new CssLayout(save, cancel, delete);
Binder<Fuel> binder = new Binder<>(Fuel.class);
public FuelEditor(FuelReposiotry fuelReposiotry) {
this.fuelRepository = fuelReposiotry;
addComponents(date, price, amount, actions);
// bind using naming convention
// Configure and style components
// wire action buttons to save, delete and reset
save.addClickListener(e -> fuelReposiotry.save(fuel));
delete.addClickListener(e -> fuelReposiotry.delete(fuel));
cancel.addClickListener(e -> editFuel(fuel));
How can I convert String to Float? I trying with import com.vaadin.data.util.converter.StringToIntegerConverter;, but in vaadin 8 I cant to use converter.
You should be able to use a StringToFloatConverter
, but you have to bind those fields manually:
public class FuelEditor extends VerticalLayout{
TextField date = new TextField("Data");
TextField price = new TextField("Cena");
TextField amount = new TextField("Kwota tankowania");
Binder<Fuel> binder = new Binder<>(Fuel.class);
public FuelEditor(FuelReposiotry fuelReposiotry) {
// Bind float fields manually
.withConverter(new StringToFloatConverter("Value must be a float"))
.bind(Fuel::getPrice, Fuel::setPrice);
.withConverter(new StringToFloatConverter("Value must be a float"))
.bind(Fuel::getAmount, Fuel::setAmount);
// bind the last using naming convention