This example illustrates my problem:
I have a couple of paths in a group element and I want to pan/zoom these elements except the blue rectangle path, which is in another group element.
The zooming and panning is done by applying transform="translate(0,0) scale(1)
to the outer most group element then capturing the zoom delta and applying it to the same-size
group element to keep it the same size.
This is working, but the blue rectangle position, which should remain the same size, is messed up, I would like to keep it in the same relative position to the other paths.
The rendered html structure looks like this:
<svg width="100%" height="100%">
<g class="outer-group" transform="translate(0,0)scale(1)">
<path d="M100,100 L140,140 L200,250 L100,250 Z" fill="#cccccc" stroke="#8191A2" stroke-width="2px"></path>
<path d="M400,100 L450,100 L450,250 L400,250 Z" fill="#cccccc" stroke="#8191A2" stroke-width="2px"></path>
<g class="same-size-position" transform="translate(300,250)">
<g class="same-size" transform="scale(1)">
<path d="M0,0 L50,0 L50,50 L0,50 Z" fill="#0000ff"></path>
I've tried to get the X/Y position of the same-size-position
group and create a delta from the translate x/y of the outer-group
, but that doesn't seem to work.
After dusting off my high school geometry books I found a solution.
You need to get the bounding box of the element you want to keep the same size of and calculate a matrix conversion on it like so:
const zoomDelta = 1 / d3.event.transform.k;
const sameSizeElem ='.same-size');
const bbox = sameSizeElem.node().getBBox();
const cx = bbox.x + (bbox.width / 2);
const cy = bbox.y + (bbox.height / 2);
const zx = cx - zoomDelta * cx;
const zy = cy - zoomDelta * cy;
.attr('transform', 'matrix(' + zoomDelta + ', 0, 0, ' + zoomDelta + ', ' + zx + ', ' + zy + ')');
The matrix transformation will keep the relative position of the element which size remains the same and the other elements will pan/zoom.