I'm trying to write a short script (for a tutorial) to show which of the first 128 ASCII characters are printable, recognizable characters.
The following script using `is in string.printable' partially works, but is still triggering off of things like line feeds, etc.
Is there one or two more lines I can add to trap and replace these control characters with spaces so that the table looks nice and shows printable characters?
Written out longhand for noob-readability:
import string
lines = []
for i in range(8):
line = []
for j in range(16):
k = i + j *16
thing = chr(k)
if thing not in string.printable:
thing = ' '
for line in lines:
print "".join(line)
Copy/paste into SE including four spaces:
-=M]m} .>N^n~ /?O_o
Updated code to replace unprintable characters as per OP's comment.
from string import printable, whitespace
replace_ch = ' ' # The character to replace non-printable characters with
whitespace_ch = ' ' # The character to replace whitespace characters with
# For console output
out_width = 8
out_height = 16
chars = [chr(i) for i in range(128)]
# Replace whitespace characters
chars = [whitespace_ch if c in whitespace else c for c in chars]
# Replace non-printable characters
chars = [c if c in printable else replace_ch for c in chars]
# Form lines for printing
lines = [[chars[i + j * out_height] for j in range(out_width)] for i in range(out_height)]
for line in lines:
An alternative is to simply avoid the first 32 characters of ASCII as they are defined as control characters. It may be more efficient to check the ord(c)
of a character, c